The Nature of Innocence

In a world that often feels heavy with the weight of responsibilities, expectations, and challenges, the concept of innocence can seem distant, almost naive. Yet, innocence is a state of being or rather a way to use our focus, that is always available to us. It’s the ability to see the world with fresh eyes, to approach life without preconceived judgments, and to remain open to the beauty that surrounds us. In nature, this is a lot easier than in situations that require analysis or trigger negative emotions in us.

In nature, we can witness a blooming flower or listen to a bird’s song, and by this, we instantly enter the open observer role. My nature art prints are created in this state, and I intend that they can serve as daily reminders of innocence – in the world and ourselves. The images are not just decorative; they are symbols of the wild, purest part of ourselves that we must both protect and nurture.

Inner Reflections:

  1. How can you connect with your sense of innocence in your daily life?
  2. In what ways can you use the purity of nature to remind yourself of your true core?
  3. What boundaries can you set to protect your innocence in a world that often demands critical thinking?